R. M. Phosphates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Recognizes people as its most important asset and is committed to provide a safe and healthy work environment for those working on and visiting our operations. Management at all levels will be responsible and will be held accountable for the every employee to work in a safe manner so as to not to endanger himself and his colleagues at the work place and during travel.
Accordingly, the aim of RMPCL is to prevent injuries and occupational illness and health through the following actions:
Develop and design processes and plants which, as far as is reasonably practicable and encompassing all available knowledge and information are safe and without risk to health.
Operate and maintain plants within the designated safety criteria throughout their working life.
Develop, introduce and maintain safety and health management systems across the company to meet RMPCL standards as well as statutory requirements for safety and health and verify compliance with standards through regular auditing.
Set annual improvement objectives and targets and review these to ensure that these are being met at the individual unit and organizational levels. Involve all employees in the implementation of this policy and provide appropriate training.
Provide for appropriate dissemination of information of safety and health at work through suitable communication network both within RMPCL and external bodies.
This policy shall be reviewed annually to improve the safety and health performance.
RMPCL motto is, “committed to quality”. It believes that quality is a habit and can be achieved with continuous practice and process with the contribution from every team at each and every step of raw material procurement, production, sales and customer services.
1. R.M. Phosphates & Chemical Pvt. Ltd. Consider quality as one of the principal strategic platform to growth and leadership in the business in which it operates.
2. The successful operation of the system relies upon the cooperation and involvement of personnel at all levels. Our commitment to quality will ensure the continued success of our Company and the satisfaction of customers and staff.
3. The Company’s commitment to fulfilling its legal and statutory obligations for supply and distribution of products to its customers in line with FCO Quality standards. It will institute systems and measures to monitor compliance in order to meet its responsibilities to consumers through the help of Quality Management System.
4. The Company will maintain an open communication channel with its customer and will carefully monitor the feedback to continuously improving of its products and services and set quality standards in line with FCO standards and to fulfill them.
5. The Company delegates to the Business Heads the authority and responsibility for dissemination and implementation of this policy in an appropriate manner across the entire business. The Company will annually review this Quality Policy for its effectiveness and consistency with business objectives.
R. M. Phosphates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.recognizes that effective management of environment impacts is a fundamental part of our business. We shall strive to integrate sound environmental practices across the systems to minimize environmental impacts.
1. R. M. Phosphates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. shall endeavour to maintain positive legal compliance to environmental regulations and conform to the requirements of MPCB & CPCB.
2. Progressively develop, implement and maintain required environmental management system in our operations.
3. Take initiatives towards efficient use of natural resources and energy, reduction and prevention of pollution; and promoting waste avoidance and recycling measures in line with disseminated technologies and practices.
4. Enhance environmental awareness through participation and consultation with employees and contractors by training and effective channels of communication.
5. Encourage contractors and suppliers to adopt the RMPCL environmental policies, principles and practices and encourage appropriate environmental management across the supply and value chain.
Continually improve environmental performance of current and future products, services and infrastructure of the R. M. Phosphates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. and monitor, measure, report the progress, performance of environmental conservation and management initiatives in compliance with recognized protocols and communicate approach and achievements to MPCB & CPCB.
R. M. Phosphates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd shall sign up to this policy or develop an equivalent that shall be implemented throughout its operations. This policy will be reviewed periodically for its suitability and updated as necessary.